Creative uses for leftover promotional products...Individual mints or candy (individual Life Savers, etc.) stapled to your literature draws the recipients eye, and helps yours stand out- especially in a trade show environment.

Create a gift basket of snacks for the recipient?s office, and throw in leftover bag clips as a bonus. This is particularly appreciated in the couple days before a long weekend begins- it livens up the atmosphere.

Stuff leftover stadium cups with individual treat bags of gourmet popcorn and maybe a movie rental gift card- attach a note with your literature and the phrase ?Just wanted to pop in and say hi?. This is a great gift for a potential client that is past the cold calling phase.

Use a Frisbee as a plate for brownies or rice krispy treats- wrap it in cellophane wrap and tie a bow around it.

Left over nail files are usually light weight, and could be used in a mailing- especially in industries where ?filing? word play can be used.

Deliver a generic, yet attractive pencil cup full of your pens to an office you?re cold calling on?. Attach a small note highlighting one of your company?s main selling points or features to each pen. This would be particularly effective in offices with a receptionist desk (pens are always needed). Worst case scenario, you?ve just put your name out to a handful of potential buyers.

Create a ?checklist to good service? as part of your marketing literature. Hit the highlights of your services with check boxes beside them. Leave this behind at a cold call, along with a pen or pencil, and challenge the recipient to go down the list to see if their current vendor meets their needs.

Deliver 2 or 4 coffee mugs to your client?s office along with a ?Box of Joe? and even doughnuts.

Leave leftover notepads and sticky note pads all over town? make sure to write a message on them- ?Dear Bob, I?m so happy I was able to help you?. (fill in the blank) please feel free to pass my name on to your friends who have the same needs.? Leave them at phone booths, hotel desks, the post office- whoever picks them up will definitely be curious?

Deliver a Sudoku book along with a couple of pencils? attach a post-it to the cover- ?You can erase in here- but not after your __________ contract is signed? (fill in the blank). Get the decision maker?s name from the gate keeper and make sure to address that note DIRECTLY to them. Gate keepers won?t throw away a gift.

Deliver a coaster or set of coasters along with chilled soda cans or bottled water on a hot day. Better yet, deliver it all in those leftover 6 pack coolers, or along with those can huggers you have.

Use leftover lanyards as ?VIP? invitations/badges to your next open house.
